
Sunday, November 20, 2011

St. Molaug Church

One of my “want to see” places on Lewis was St. Molaug church.  It dates to the 12th or 13th century.  Eight hundred years old or more!  Can you imagine?? 

You reach it by walking down a foot path that’s about 200 yards long.  The fence keeps the ever-present sheep out.

This cross is about 8 feet tall and is dedicated to the men who died in “the Great War”.  Isn’t it beautiful?

I love this window with the candle showing thru.  The church has no electricity and is lit by candles. 

The slate roof and an upper window.

Simple pews next to the rough stone wall. 

The font.  Incredible.

Donald MacKee, one of the pastors of St. Molaug.  He offered to open the church so we could see the inside.  I really appreciated that… it was not a short drive from his home to get there. 

The front alter.  The cloth depicts St. Molaug, a Celtic cross, and St. Ronan. 

This is the alms (offerings) box.  It probably dates to the 15th century.  Is that not the coolest padlock you’ve ever seen?

This is their prayer tree.  Visitors can hang their prayer requests from it.  They are then collected and prayer is said for each one.

After a nice visit with Donald, he invited us to service the next day at the winter location (remember…no electricity in St. Molaug!).  And so the next day we headed for Tong, which is 3 miles from Stornoway.

The alter at the Tong church.  It was a lovely service and we were welcomed warmly by the congregation.

1 comment:

  1. Here in the USA an old building may be 200-300 years old, but that's relatively new in Europe. Thanks for sharing all your pictures.


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